InfoStyle: Musiccomedy, Rock, Rock’n’Roll, Pop Based in: Germany Line UpDregue Sbæg / vocals DownloadThe Les ClöchardsThe wildest and funniest rock 'n' roll show ever The show band „The Les Clöchards“ – that’s fife part-time hoboes bubbling with musicality, charm, folly, daring dance performances, facial and instrumental acrobatics, a drum kit made of trash, granny’s home organ, a dented metal guitar, a contrabass with holes in it and an outrageous dress sense when it comes to suits. The band is originally from a small island close to Corsica. In 1949 the parttime hoboes left their French home country and declared their categorical will to succeed as a world-famous rock band. Is this really a true story? Well, we can at least safely say that they have not reached international fame so far. So this is how the story continues: after several years as street musicians on boulevards in the South of France and selling an estimated 50,000 records, these five lousy boys exchanged the street for a stage and have already given countless concerts all over the world.